IT is an integral part of our service
At VIR by JP, IT is not just a support function
Thanks to Horizon
FOR THE ORDERING PARTY You have access to the consultation of your orders, history, NPS scores and photos. You can transparently consult your KPIs: adherence to delivery slots, quality rate, NPS score, arrival times… You interact with our customer service through a ticketing module with a guaranteed response within 24 calendar hours.
FOR THE CONSUMER You can freely choose your delivery day and time. You are informed of the identity of the deliverers, the vehicle’s registration number, and even the energy consumed. You have access to truck tracking. You receive all the information by SMS or email at each stage of your order.
Traceability of goods
100% of parcels are scanned at each key stage: receipt at the HUB, departure from the HUB, reception at the agency, storage, order preparation, loading for delivery, and delivery itself.
Custom information feedback
You choose the events and the frequency at which you wish to receive them. We offer exchanges via API and EDI.
Features of our technology
- Integration of EDI, FTP, JSON, or ASCII systems for order control and management
- Online tracking by email or SMS
- Interface with all market integrators (Téliae, Shippingo, Welcome Track, TDI, Centiro, iTinsell, Calva, Woop)